On the morning of 9/11/2001, I was getting ready for work. A few minutes before 9AM, my mother called and told me to turn on the news. I watched in shock as smoke billowed out of the north tower (1 WTC). As I watched the live coverage and listened to the pundits and my mother, flight 175 pierced the south tower and exploded upon impact.
At that time, I worked for a retail giant that no longer exist. As soon as I got to work, I turned on all of the TV’s and turned up the volume. I discovered to my horror that flight 77 had crashed into the Pentagon. People came in just to catch the news and to talk. I saw grown men taller and bigger than me tear up as the news came in about the estimated dead.
There are a lot of conspiracy theories about it being an inside job. I’m not a conspiracy theorist. Irregardless, it was a terrorist attack. There is one key thing that I think a lot of people don’t get about Americans. Southerners annoy Northerners. Northerners annoy Southerners. And, narcissistic Californians annoy everyone. But, the majority of us believe in one thing, FREEDOM.
You may knock down our towers. You may seduce the people into voting in a socialist governments. But, you will never take our freedom. All of those men, women, and children that were murdered on 9/11/2001, were my brothers and sisters. They will not be forgotten.